Metamask: Unknown Account DApp Tutorial from

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Metamask: Unknown Account DApp Tutorial from

Metamark: unknown account dapp tutorial

Metask is a popular Ethereum wallet that allows users to store, send and receive ETER (ETH) on different DAPPS. In this tutorial, we will create an unknown DApp account using Metask as a wallet.

Step 1: Creating a new project in Metask

To start with creating an unknown DApp account, you must first create a new project in Metask:

  • Open Metask on the browser and click “new wallet” in the upper right corner.

  • Choose “Ethereum” as a network and select the Ethereum mainnet.

Step 2: Metask configuration

Once you have configured the Metask wallet, you can create a new account or use an existing one. Here’s how:

  • Click the “account” in the upper right corner.

  • Select “Create a new account”.

  • Complete the necessary information and click “Creation”.

Step 3: Login to DAPP

Now that we have configured our metamark wallet, let’s connect it to a DAPP. For this tutorial, we will use the base tutorial from Learnweb3dao.

  • Click “Connect” in the upper right corner of the Metask dashboard.

  • Select “FRONTEND Basic” as a DApp connection method.

  • Wait for Metask to connect to DAPP. This can take a few minutes.

Step 4: Creating an unknown account

Now that we have connected our metamark wallet, to create an unknown account:

  • Click “Create a new account” in the upper right hand corner of the Metask dashboard.

  • Complete the necessary information and click “Creation”.

Step 5: Developing a simple contract

Once you have created your unknown account, we can implement a simple contract using Metask. Here’s how:

  • Click again on the “connect” in the upper right hand corner of the Metask dashboard.

  • Select “FRONTEND Basic” as a DApp connection method.

  • Wait for Metask to connect to DAPP. This can take a few minutes.

Step 6: Developing a contract

After connecting the metamark wallet, we can implement a contract using Metask. Here’s how:

  • Click the “contract” in the upper right corner of the Metask dashboard.

  • Select “Deploy” from the drop -down menu.

  • Complete the necessary information for the implementation of the contract, including the contract address and ABI (the binary interface of the application).

Step 7: Testing a contractual function

Once we have implemented our contract, to test it by calling its function:

  • Click again on the “contract” in the upper right corner of the Metask dashboard.

  • Select “Appeal function” from the drop -down menu.

  • Complete the necessary information for the call, including the function and argument of the function.

Step 8: The implementation of several contracts

Now that we have implemented our contract, to implement more contracts using Metask:

  • Click again on the “contract” in the upper right corner of the Metask dashboard.

  • Select “Deploy” from the drop -down menu.

  • Complete the requested information for each contract implementation.

Step 9: Testing a multi -call contractual function

Once we have implemented our contracts, testing them by calling their functions using Metask:

  • Click again on the “contract” in the upper right corner of the Metask dashboard.

  • Select “Appeal function” from the drop -down menu.

  • Call each contract function in the sequence to see how it interacts with the other contract.

This is just a basic overall image of creating an unknown DApp account using Metask.

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