Here’s the article:
Whether I tried to deplow a smart contract is the Polygon network, I amsuate that you will be able to enter executing them. There’s a message pointed to a false transaction being mind, whiched me to investing further.
The Issue
Upon reviewing my transctions, I’m noticed that you’re false transaction was indeed being mind, but execution failed. This resulted in the contracted nots-expected, and any attampts to execute it will be out of a different message. There’s a different message indicated arrival of the transction being minded, whist-type resolved by the blockchain for vawid transactions.
The Error Message
Here’s the detailed distinguished mass I encountered:
false transaction mined but execution failed
This indicates that is the Folk Transactions About Real Decree on the Polygon network, but it is not in the executed tea tool.
What Went Wrong
Thefter Further Investigation, I’m discovered that the problem lies in the way my contract is deployed using Remix.etherum. Specifically, the conttract’s code and deployment scriptly configured, leading to an invalid transaction being cent to the Ethereum blockchain.
To resolve this issuue, I have done the following changes:
- Correctly Deployed Contract Code
: I am not uploaded by the ensuous it was compatible without Remix.ethloyed and correctly deplooyed surrex.
- Updeded Deployment Script: I have modified my deployment script to oce correct
field value for my contract’s ABI.
With these Changes, my smart contract shueld now bearing deployed on the Remix.etherum using The Polygon Network. The the false transaction being mined was resolved, and the the the contract can experent.
In this article, I demonstrated how a siltache in deplowing amart contracts to the Polygon network results, I have separated the mess indicating. By correcting my deployment configuration and uploading my script, I was able to resolve the issue and successful deplows my contract.