Ethereum: What is the default type inferred by Solidity for number literals used in expressions with other types?

Ethereum: Type -Literal understanding of type

Failure, programming language used by intelligent Ethereum contracts and type conclusions play a decisive role in determining the correct type of data and literal data. The aim of this article is to give an overview of how solidity includes the default types for the number of literals used in other types of terms.

Enter the Basics of the Conclusion

Solidity uses a dynamic writing system in which a variable or literal type closes more during the time of operation and not at the time of translation. This allows greater flexibility and dynamic behavior in the contract, but requires thorough consideration when writing an effective and error code.

Literals and written conclusions

When treating literals dealing with numbers in strength expressions this language includes a literary type based on a value or specific pattern. Explore how it works for two general scenarios: numbers that do not contain a specific type of definition (for example, Uint8 X) and numbers with an explicit type type (for example, UINT256 Z0).

No specifics of express type

If you use a literal number without determining its type, the default language values ​​insert the entire type. In other words, if you don't give anything, the power is the default for the UInt8.

Here is an example:


FOUNK FOO (uint8 x) external clean {

uint256 z0 = x * 2;


In this case, the translator suggests that “Xis the" UInt8 "value and assigns it to" Z0 ". The reason is that the strength focuses on the integrity of the whole number, which is an integrally determined value (uint8″.

explicit type decisive

If you use a literal number with a specific type of specifier, such as Uint256 Z0, insert the language accordingly. For example::


FOUNK FOO (uint8 x) external clean {

uint256 z0 = x * 2;


In this case, the translator suggests that “Xis the" UInt8 "value and assigns it to" Z0 ". This explicit type specification ensures that the code monitors the expected data types.


In short, the system of dynamic writing of solidness allows an implicit type to conclude a conclusion based on the context of the expression. If the number deals with literals, without a significant type of type, the language is default for the entire type. However, the definition of the explicit type (such as UINT256 ") ensures that the code monitors the expected types of data and avoids potential errors.

When writing strength contracts, it is necessary to take into account the context of each expression and use explicit determinants of the type whenever possible to ensure correctness and maintenance.

Example Use a case

Ethereum: What is the default type inferred by Solidity for number literals used in expressions with other types?

To illustrate this concept, consider the example of the contract:


Pragma of solidity ^0.8.0;

contract {

Private number UInt256;

Increase function (uint256 _) public pure {

Count += _ value;


GetCount () Public View Returns (Uint256) {

return number;



In this example, the “growth” feature uses a literal number without an explicit type of defining. By default, we can avoid potential “Uint8” value errors value and ensure that the contract is governed by the expected behavior.

Understanding how solidness involves the types of numbers in other types of terms can write more efficient, more readable and sustainable contracts. Be sure to always provide explicit types of type, if necessary, to ensure that language and language needs are observed.


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