Ethereum: official binance-api swift4 compile error

Here is a comprehensive article on your error in the assembly of the API Ethereum to Binance:

Ethereum API Composition Error on Binance with Swift 4 and Xcode

I experience a mistake when I try to collect my Ethereum API project using Swift 4 and Xcode on macOS 10.13/10.14. The question concerns Binance API, which I integrated with my project.


The problem arises when I try to submit a new file in my project catalog. After launching the “Swift Build” command, the error indicating the following poem:


/bin/LD: I can’t find -lbinanceapa


This suggests that Binance API is not properly connected.

part of the part:

I checked the official API Binance Swift 4 Readme file, and the instructions seem to be correct. Here is a summary of what I did:

  • He created the XCODE project with a new Swift package called “Binanceapi”.

  • He added the necessary import instructions for API Binanci.

  • Integrated Ethereum API with my project using `Import Ethereum '.

XCODE structural settings:

Ethereum: official binance-api swift4 compile error

In my XCODE project settings, I added the following design settings:

  • Second_ldflags: `

  • Binanapi_key: " "your_api_key_here"

  • Binanceapi_secret: “yourour_api_secret_here” “

However, I noticed that some of these flags are missing or not present at all. He suggests that the Xcode preparation process is trying to associate with another library from what I said.


To solve this problem, I recommend checking the following:

  • Make sure you added API Binance to “Swift Manager” (SPM) of your project (SPM) by introducing the “Swift Add Binanceapapi” package.

  • Make sure you use the correct version of the “Ethereum” library and its addiction.

  • Make sure XCODE is configured to connect to the right library.

Additional tips:

  • Make sure your “Xcode preferences” have been properly configured to build a new project from Swift 4.

  • Use the XCODE (CCT) command line or XCODE organizer to build and start the project, because this can help identify any problems that are not present in the XCODE project settings.


After solving the problem, I think that this is due to the combination of the factor:

  • Binance API is not properly connected.

  • “Ontle_LDFLAGS” flags are missing or incorrect.

I hope that this will help you solve the error of the API Ethereum in Binance with Swift 4 and Xcode. If you still have problems, give more details about the outlet of the record, because it can help recognize the basic cause of the problem.


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